Month: November 2019

Week One

Print this off, if you’d like, and tuck it in your Bible. Let’s dig in to the Word, together.

The Four R Method Step Four – REPLY

The Four R Method Step Four – REPLY The last step is a sweet one. In a good conversation, when one person tells you something of note … you acknowledge…

The Four R Method Step Three – RECORD

Want to be fully engaged in your reading? Well then. When you read the passage, ask God to show you a verse. “Your” verse for the day. He will. I’ve…

The Four R Method Step Two: READ

So … why is it so important we read the Bible? Why can’t we just read other Christian books that kind of explain it to us? Good question. We read…

The Four R Method: Step One

REQUEST. Before we begin a quiet time, we bow our heads and request God’s help with it. This starting with prayer does several wonderful things: It quiets us, as we…

Preparing for Our Study

  It’s less than a week until the start of our study, ladies! I’ll be posting our first week’s reading assignments towards the end of the week, but wanted to…

For the Veteran on Veteran’s Day

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. —John 15:13 NIV War changes you. Whether you’re the soldier who swallows down fear and…

Speeding Ticket Lessons

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. —1 John 1:9 RSV I have this dangerous little…