June 26. 2 Peter 1:1-11

Well just LOOK at you! Yes, you. You are still reading, still studying, still meeting with the One who loves you. Here we are on the last letter Peter wrote before his martyred death. And you are here with me, finishing strong. Thank you and praise God!

GRACE LESSONS: As Peter pens this last letter—possibly the last letter he ever wrote—he again extends so much grace and kindness to all. Note verse 2 where he again asks God to give his readers more and more grace. Read verse 3 where Peter encourages us that God, in His grace, gives us “everything we need for living a godly life.”  Rejoice with Peter that someday “God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Yes, although Peter is going to have to get tough in this letter, because false teachers are sneaking among his flock and deterring them from the truth, Peter starts with gracious words. Oh, I want to be like that! If I have to say something tough to someone, I want to first make sure they know of my love for them and my desire for them to know His grace!

OUR PASSAGE: One of the themes of this second letter is the importance of us growing in the knowledge of Christ. It’s not just enough to accept Jesus and then do our own thing. No. We are to grow in Him by loving Him and knowing Him more and more. In verse 2, Peter adds to his greeting of grace and peace his desire that they “grow in (their) knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.” That’s also the theme song of Sweet Selah Ministries. If loving God is the most important commandment … then we need to know and love Him more and more. That’s why we encourage you to meet with Him daily. That’s why we love the study of His living Word where He actually and really does speak to you through its pages. Yeah. We are in total agreement with Peter here! Even though we are saved by grace alone, let’s make every effort to grow in Christ by feeding on His Word and meeting with Him in prayer!

My verse: II Peter 1:8 “The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

My response: I do want to be “productive and useful” Lord God! I do want to grow in my knowledge of You, Lord Jesus. So, help me to “make every effort” to know You more and more through times like this with You each and every day.

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