June 11. Psalm 23

I have a story to share today. I have always loved Psalm 23. It was the first psalm I memorized as a very small child. All my life when I’ve been scared, I’ve recited that psalm and received comfort, knowing my Shepherd is with me. So, this past Easter I decided that instead of my husband and I sending Easter baskets to my grands, I’d give them the gift of Psalm 23. I told them if they memorized it, Nina and Papa would send them $10. Each of them. I have seven grandchildren, so this was an investment, although I didn’t expect the unborn baby (due in July) or the two and three year old’s to participate!! The oldest four all memorized Psalm 23 and proudly recited for me in little videos. So sweet to hear two 9-year-olds, a 7-year-old and a 5-year-old proclaim the goodness of the Shepherd each has already invited into their little hearts!! I couldn’t think of a better investment for our money.

Well. Here’s the story. The other day, my oldest daughter was struggling with a multitude of household crises as well as unhappy children. They were in the car and she said, “Let’s stop and pray.” They did. As she continued to drive after the prayer, my grandson piped up from the backseat and said, “Mum, want me to say Psalm 23? That will help us, too.” He recited it perfectly and … it helped. I might have cried. I was SO happy he had the gift of God’s Word in his heart and mind so that he, like his Nina, can pull out those beautiful words in times of distress and receive comfort and a realignment of his soul.

Oh friends! Let’s savor, today, the incredible truth that those of us who have entrusted our hearts to Jesus – have a Shepherd who restores souls and who walks with us through the darkest valleys. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives!

My verse: Psalm 23:1 “The LORD is my shepherd. I have all that I need.”

My response: (NOTE: I wrote this a while ago. I am always ahead of you in the study, but it was SO relevant for the day God had me in this psalm!) Lord, I needed this reminder this morning. Currently without internet and feeling disturbed. Can’t connect with my overseas girl. Can’t confirm podcast is up. Wondering how many emails are piling up to which I can’t respond. And yet here is my reminder. Just where does my comfort and safety reside? In You. The good Shepherd of my soul. I don’t need internet. Or emails. I need You. And You never leave me or forsake me. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life – and I will dwell with You forever. I rest in that, today.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Candie Remick
    June 11, 2021 8:08 pm

    Lord, I know that in You I have all that I need. Thank You
    for quiet and peaceful times of rest. Thank you for
    renewing my strength and for guiding me in the right
    ways. Thank You for being ever close to me and for
    Your continued protection and blessings. I pray I will
    give You all the honor, praise and glory You deserve.
    I look forward to dwelling in Your house with You forever.
    In Jesus’ blessed name I pray. Amen

    • Sharon Gamble
      June 11, 2021 8:42 pm

      Dear Candie, What a beautiful prayer! Just wanted you to know, too, that I’ve heard from someone who also does this Bible Study on the website and she truly appreciates your comments. Thank you! Love you, friend!


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