
December 2 – 1 Corinthians 15:51-58

 Hope. At the end of this amazing passage on death and eternal life, Paul tells us more about Jesus’ return. When that last trumpet sounds, this earth and world as we know it will be transformed “in the blink of an eye.” The same God who spoke a word and an entire cosmos came into being, will transform it once again with sin and evil vanquished. We’ll be caught up to Him, transformed immediately if we are still living at the time, and otherwise already transformed. And what a cool type of transformation. These current bodies of ours are decaying, slowing down, needing more repair as we get older, and basically wearing out. The new ones? They Won’t Wear Out. We will have immortal bodies that are free from the corruption of evil. I can’t fully imagine this. Can you? I believe it, though. I long for it and I suspect I’ll be stunned by all of it some wonderful day! How thankful I am for the sure Hope of Heaven and the new earth to come!

My verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58 “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.”

My response: Lord, knowing that I will live forever – that someday I’ll step out of this body and be clothed in a new one – makes everything more significant. Help me to live well here, so I am ready to do whatever You have for me someday in the new kingdom, when You return in all Your glory!

5 Minute Selah Moment – close your eyes and open your heart to what the Lord would say to you in the silence. Whisper, “Teach me, Lord.”


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