How are you doing with your Christmas preparations? Ray and I fly, today, to visit with our children and grandchildren. We are SO excited to be able to see our dear ones. No matter how busy, though … let’s stop and meet with God first, shall we? It sets the tone for the whole day. I suspect that you, like me, need His Presence in these busy days so that all we do is done in love.
Please record your verse and thoughts below on the wise men.
My verse: Matthew 2:9b,10 ” … It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!”
My response: Father, this must have been a supernatural something. For … stars don’t normally move and then stop. And, these wise men … very used to stars … knew it was extraordinary. So when it stopped and shone down on One Place … THE Place – where Jesus was, they were overcome with joy. Lord, I don’t need to understand it, I just trust it was miraculous and marvelous.
Just as You led poor shepherds by angels, so you led Gentile rich men by a supernatural star. Baby Jesus came for Jew and Gentile. He came for the poor and the rich. He came for the simple and the wise. It’s all here in the Christmas stories in the Bible.
Lord Jesus? Thank You for coming for … me.