Day Ten. January 19. Galatians 2:1-10
After Paul establishes his unique taught-by-Christ-Himself credentials, he does also mention that Peter, James and John, the leaders of the church, also supported him fully. He evidently had a particularly wonderful meeting with them about fourteen years after his first brief meeting with them. By this time, Paul had preached a lot of sermons telling the Good News that Jesus Christ, Messiah had come and was coming again.
As he met with the leaders of the church, they confirmed that his teaching was the same as theirs. They did not insist that Paul’s Gentile friend be circumcised in order to “belong” as a Christian. They received him on the basis of his faith in Christ alone. It must have been a wonderful time of fellowship as they shared together their unique relationships with the Lord Jesus and their awe that they were called by Him specifically to witness to all that had happened.
Paul was slowly and carefully building his case, wasn’t he? This point – that we are saved by faith and grace alone – was so important that it demanded a careful and thorough presentation. As we move forward into the nitty gritty, let’s remember Paul’s impeccable credentials given to him by the Savior.
My verse: Galatians 2:6 “And the leaders of the church had nothing to add to what I was preaching. (By the way, their reputation as great leaders made no difference to, me, for God has no favorites.)”
My response: So, this fascinates me … First, Paul has been on his own, basically, and been instructed by God Himself. I suspect he also went through the scriptures and God opened his eyes to the many prophecies about Jesus. So. What a confirmation of God at work! The apostles who lived and walked with Jesus agreed that Paul, who never met Jesus during His time on earth, got it right in all his teachings. Second, although they were leaders and needed to be consulted … they were not God. They were human. As such, they had no “favorite spot” in God’s eyes that elevated them. You love all Your kids, Lord. Help me to remember that and not put leaders on impossible pedestals.