My verse: Isaiah 9:4a “For you will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders …”
Oh Father, the readings about the four women in Jesus’ genealogy were heavy … stories of deceit and betrayal, war and famine and murder and deaths. I thank You for showing me the hard reality of life for all who have not come to the Savior. That heaviness is still here today, in so many.
Oh, But With Jesus … seen way in advance by Isaiah … the burden is “lifted from their shoulders!” Oh Lord, when we come to You and You forgive us, cleanse us, place a new heart in us and make us new (born again), oh then the burden is LIGHT. I thank You for the many, many times I’ve brought to you my griefs and sorrows, confessed my sins and doubts, and seen You restore me and make me “light” once again! You truly do shine in the darkness of this world and change all who come to You. I praise You!