Sweet Selah Retreats

A Sweet Selah retreat is unique in design. We meet tired women right where they are and feed mind, body, and soul.

Mind: A Selah retreat will always include rich study in the Word of God with Sharon as teacher, helping women grow by examining and applying Scripture to their own lives.

Body: A Selah retreat will always allow a minimum of three hours of  “nothing time.” Women can walk, nap, talk, or read a good book … whatever will renew and refresh their weary bodies.

Soul: A Selah retreat will always incorporate “guided Selah time.” This gives a retreat participant specific Bible study questions to answer on her own—with Jesus. God is the very best Teacher, and learning to be still and study His Word is key to growth as a follower and lover of Christ.

Sweet Selah Retreat Topics

With enough notice, Sharon is always excited to dig into God’s Word, study, and speak on other topics. Just suggest one!

Seeking Selah … by Following the Shepherd

Our culture tells us that being busy makes us successful and important. Yet, busy isn’t always better. Rest is needed, too. All of us need “selah” times in our lives. We need to take the time to just stop, ponder, and gather strength from the One who loves us most in order to be fruitful in His kingdom. This retreat focuses on Psalm 23, the “shepherd’s psalm.” You will learn to know the Shepherd better and understand why it’s most important for us to follow Him and hear His voice. It’s what we learn in the quiet that enables us to serve Him in the busy. Whether we are led by still waters or through the valley of the shadow of death, we can find “selah times” that restore our soul.

Living Water Conference … #ithirst

It’s so easy to try to drink the wrong things, when what we really need is water. This retreat or conference focuses on the passages in Scripture that call us to drink deeply of the Living Water. We’ll go from being “parched” to being “filled to overflowing” as we study the many benefits of water, noting how our physical need for it parallels are spiritual need for Jesus.
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. — Revelation 22:17 NIV

Walk This Way: Life Lessons from Isaiah

Have you ever wished God would write you a letter detailing what you were to do each day? Join Sharon for a weekend of digging into the life and lessons of Isaiah, a weekend of discovery as we seek to know God more intimately and hear His voice more clearly.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Using the Lord’s Prayer as a guide, this weekend retreat studies the great topic of prayer, examining Scripture teaching at every turn. You will learn how God values praise, confession, surrender, and thankfulness. You’ll discover more about His heart to listen and answer as you intercede for others and ask Him to meet your own needs.

Loving Your Husband

Titus 2:4 directs “older women” to teach younger women to love their husbands. This weekend retreat is adapted from a ten-week course designed by Sharon and will encourage you toward a deeper love and greater joy in your marriage.

At His Feet

This is a study about Mary of Bethany. Three times in Scripture we find her sitting at Jesus’ feet. Sharon gives you a closer look at the very different circumstances that bring Mary to each place of surrender and humility and draws practical application for your life as a woman in a hectic and sometimes sorrowful world.

Pray Anyway

What happens when you pray with all your strength and every bit of faith you can muster, and God does not answer as you asked? Sharon addresses the hard questions that come when it feels like God is not hearing the cries of your heart. Why should you “pray anyway”? You will come away with a fresh love for the God who cares and who hears—even when your heart is breaking.

Event Speaking

Event Speaking

Sweet Selah Retreats

Sweet Selah Retreats

Sweet Selah Talks

Sweet Selah Talks

Quarterly Prayer Call

Quarterly Prayer Call